Maths Day

National Mathematics Day Celebrations in Swaminarayan Vidyapith
The science of pure mathematics may claim to be the most original creation of human spirit.
– Alfred North Whitehead.
The great Indian Mathematician, Srinivasa Ramanujan’s birthday was celebrated as National Mathematics Day on 22nd December 2016, in the school auditorium of Swaminarayan Vidyapith. Girls of class 4 and 5 participated in Inter – house One –Minute-games. These games generated lots of enthusiasm and excitement among the participants and the audience. ‘Inter-House -Memory Game was conducted for them to tickle their observation skills. A Math quiz was conducted for the girls of class- 6,7 and 8. The girls mesmerized the audience displaying the magic of shortcut calculation. Large numbers were multiplied and divided within a fraction of a second. It was crisp, informative and thought provoking. The Math faculty was actively involved in organizing and conducting the programme. Girls of different classes and other faculty members in the audience participated enthusiastically in the activity and experienced the magic of numbers. A Mathematics Exhibition was put up by the girls of class 4-8 based on their innovative project work. The display was interesting from the point of view of the sense of proportion, symmetry and colour combinations. Bulletin Boards were displayed with lots of quiz, calculation and puzzles. Girls were seen swarming around the boards with paper and pencil striving to be the first ones to solve the puzzles.
Carl Sandburghad rightly said, “Arithmetic is numbers you squeeze from your head to your hand to your pencil to your paper till you get the right answer.”

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